The Landless Voices Web Archive

English | Português

… an archive of cultural expressions

Landless Voices hosts a series of multi-disciplinary and multi-region research projects into the cultural expressions emerging from landlessness - the experience of the mass movement and re-settlement of peoples.

A database of the cultural expressions of the Brazilian Landless in the formative years of the MST 1984-2003.

Photographs and captions from Sebastião Salgado's Terra: Struggle of the Landless (Phaidon Press, 1998)

Else Vieira's archive includes photographs and captions from Sebastião Salgado's Terra: Struggle of the Landless. The captions weave a verbal narrative of the drama of Brazil’s dispossessed and migrants and of the various stages of the struggle for land.

The Sights and Voices of Dispossession: The Fight for the Land and the Emerging Culture of the MST (The Movement of the Landless Rural Workers of Brazil)

to Else R P Vieira's Landless Voices project
  • A first hand archive (in English and Portuguese) of the expressions of the militant culture emerging from landlessness in Brazil. Over 400 resources including music (streamed audio), images (paintings, murals, sculptures, photographs), films (streamed video), texts (poems, essays), children's drawings and compositions.
  • Voices and images by the landless and by : Salgado, Niemeyer, P. Freire, A. Candido, D. Ribeiro, H.Campos, Frei Betto, Chico Buarque, Tetê Morais.
  • Academic essays, tools for further research (maps, tables, bibligraphy, glossary).


to Queen Mary University Of London welcome page

Landless Voices hosted by the
School of Languages, Linguistics and Film
Queen Mary University Of London, UK

Director of Research
Professor Else R. P. Vieira
© Queen Mary University of London