For this our country
This our flag
For love of fatherland Brazil
We march in file
For more happiness still.
In the blue-washed gaze of our sky
Green of luke-warm hope
In the flag for so long waved.
Yellow's for the fields in flower
For faces now so rosy
Will white glow ever peaceful
If won by calloused hands?
So let this land embrace
Whoever feels its passion
Whoever sows with tenderness
The seed to feed the Nation
Order says let no one starve
Progress proclaims a people happy
Agrarian Reform returns
The workers to their roots.
1 Editor's note: Order and Progress: slogan printed on the Brazilian
flag, created at the end of the nineteenth century. The colours of the flag
are green, yellow, blue, and white. The stars represent the number of states.
This song is from the CD
Art in movement
