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Panel by the EJA group (Adair Barbosa, Altamiro da Silva, Bernardo Oliveira, Cleusa Batista Martins, Dolores Muller, Eutália Pinheiro Rodrigues, Jone da Silva, Jesus Biran, João R. Maciel, João S. F. Silva, José Arnildo, Leni S. da Silva, Lurdes Wagi, Nativa F. da Silva, Norolé Pinheiro Rodrigues, Otacílio da Rosa Rodrigues, Paulo M. da Silva, Perceval Xavier da Silva, Roseli Antunes Cavalli e Lanice Pedó) Reproduced with the permission of the MST, São Paulo |
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An Indian shedding tears of blood (On the right, the Portuguese caravels are arriving. In the centre, occupying all of the map of Brazil, is the face of an Indian shedding tears of blood.) |