(...) The process of Agrarian Reform begins a new history, a new culture, a
culture born of a process of transforming the world. For this very reason, it
implies social transformations (...), for example, the overcoming of a
profoundly paternalist and fatalist culture in which the peasant got lost (...),
as an almost totally excluded object (...). Through his re-incorporation into
the process of production, he acquires a social position he did not previously
have, a history he did not have (...). In truth, he discovers that fatalism no
longer explains anything at all and that, having been able to transform the
land, he is also capable of transforming history and culture. From out of that
former fatalism, the peasant is reborn, inserted as a presence in history, no
longer as an object, but as a subject of history. Now, this whole process
involves the tasks of education. So, working in the sense of helping Brazilian
men and women to exercise the right of standing erect on the ground, tilling the
land, turning it around, making it produce more effectively, is our right and is
our duty.
Education is one of the keys to open such doors. I never forgot that lovely
phrase which I heard from an educator, from a peasant literacy worker from a
group of Sem Terra in an enormous settlement in the state of Rio Grande
do Sul where I once was, when he said: "by the strength of our work, through our
struggle, we cut through the barbed wire of the latifundium and we
entered it, but when we got there, we saw that there were other barbed wires,
like that of our ignorance". "Then I understood even better, on that day", he
said, "that the more innocent we are, the better we are for the world’s
owners". (...) I find that it is a task that is not only political, not only
ideological, but also pedagogical. Without this there can be no Agrarian
I send a message to young teachers (...): live for me, now that I cannot live
myself, with children and with adults who, in their struggle, seek to be
themselves, men and women.
1 Editor’s note: Reprint of extracts from the interview
authorized by MST, São Paulo. The recording of the statement was
presented during the National Meeting of the Educator of Agrarian Reform
(ENERA): With School, Land and Dignity, held at the University of
Brasília (UnB), 28 to 31 July 1997.
2 Editor’s note: In 1997, at the age of 76, not long after the
recording of this interview, Professor Paulo Freire passed away.