One, two, three,
Now we learn to add.
Four, five, six,
now we're going to fix.
Some time for us to play
before a thousand's had.
In the name of Agrarian Reform, ay, ay, ay.
Long live the children's ciranda(1).
Long live the children's ciranda.
From one ciranda to another, learning to ciranda,
learning to ciranda,
as the rules say: study,
play happily, learning to sing,
learning to sing.
And so let's go.
Let's plant poetry, let's go.
Let's harvest joy, let's go.
It's time to study.
One, two, three,
Now we learn to add.
Four, five, six,
now we're going to fix.
Some time for us to play
before a thousand's had.
In the name of Agrarian Reform, ay, ay, ay,
long live the children's ciranda.
1 Editor's note: ciranda: a round or rhymed song, common in Brazil; also a dance round. The music and
lyrics of cirandas, mostly of Portuguese origin, remain in Brazilian oral literature.
2 Editor's note: Viva: an expression of approval
This song is from the CD
Growing a ring o'roses
