The Sights and Voices of Dispossession: The Fight for the Land and the Emerging Culture of the MST (The Movement of the Landless Rural Workers of Brazil) |
Resources 1 - 12 of 57 Results pages: 1 2 3 4 5 Next |
Children's drawings
 Representations of violence in Brazil Jean Carlos Wais da Silva | Children's drawings
 The Strength of the MST Antônio L. Baldissera | Films
 A Man, a Woman, a Flag MST, São Paulo | Murals
 Mural of a landless rural worker painted by Brother (Frei) Daniel, 1998. Photo donated by the MST. Reproduced by permission. | Murals
 Reforma Agrária Uma Luta de Todos. "Agrarian Reform, Everyone’s Struggle", mural by Elda Broilo commemorating the MST’s Third National Congress, 1995. Photo donated by the MST. Reproduced by permission. | Murals
 "Celebrating 10 Years Retaking the Struggle for the Land", mural by Elda Broilo, undated (1994?). Photo donated by the MST. Reproduced by permission. | Murals
 "Occupy, Resist, Produce", mural by Elda Broilo for the Second National Congress, 1990. Photo donated by the MST. Reproduced by permission. | Murals
 Curso de Verão. Mural signed by three artists commemorating the first Summer Course for Landless activists, 1990. Photo donated by the MST. Reproduced by permission. | Murals
 Projeto Popular. "Popular Project: Say No to the Foreign Debt", outdoor mural signed by 12 artists, 2000. Photo donated by the MST. Reproduced by permission. | Lyrics
Land and roots Lyrics: First National Workshop of the MST Musicians | Lyrics
So no one cries anymore Lyrics: Zé Pinto | Lyrics
Comrades of Che Guevara Lyrics: Ademar Bogo |
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