Landless Voices -> Sights & Voices -> Studies … -> Essays

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The Sights and Voices of Dispossession: The Fight for the Land and the Emerging Culture of the MST (The Movement of the Landless Rural Workers of Brazil)


English (mude para Português)

This page:

Studies, statements & references -> Essays 9 resources (Edited by Else R P Vieira. Translation © Thomas Burns.)

Resources 1 - 9 of 9    

The MST, its Genealogy and the Struggle for Agrarian Reform in
Bernardo Mançano Fernandes

Occupation as a form of access to land
Bernardo Mançano Fernandes

The church and social movements
Frei Betto

With hands calloused from poetry: The formation of the organic
Sávio Bones

Performances and Pedagogies of Landlessness in Theater and the
Malcolm K. McNee

Listening to the Voices of the March
José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy

The Mística of the MST
Plínio Arruda Sampaio

Movement of the Landless Rural Workers (MST): Pedagogical
Roseli Salete Caldart

The Construction of the Feminine in the Struggle for Land and in
Sônia Fátima Schwendler




Resources 1 - 9 of 9    

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Landless Voices hosted by the
School of Languages, Linguistics and Film
Queen Mary University Of London, UK

Project Director & Academic Editor: Else R P Vieira
Web Site Producer: John Walsh
Web Site created: January 2003
Last updated: July 5th 2016